Visszalépés a kezdőlapra Abrakmester

Galopp adatbázis



Galopp adatbázis

< Vissza az adatbázis kezdőlapjára

Származási lista

Választott születési hely: USA

Összes találat: 714

Részletes lista:

A. P. Indy (1989, stpm)Goldneyev (1986, stpm)Pedro The Great
Action This Day (2001, pm)Gone West (1984, pm)Peintre Celebre (1994, sm)
Admiring (1998)Goofalik (1987, stpm)Percieve Arrogance (1985, pm)
Adoration (1999, pk)Gopura (2001, pm)Perfect Distance (2001, pk)
Affirmed (1975, sm)Grail (1997)Perfect Touch (1999)
African Art (2006, pher)Grand Lodge (1991, sm)Personal Flag (1983, pm)
Akhisar (1988, stpm)Granthor (2006)Perugino (1991, stpm)
Al Hareb (1986, sm)Graphite (1984, stpm)Petersburg2 (1986, szm)
Al Zir (2007, pm)Green Boulevard (1994, pk)Phantom Wind (2001, pk)
Alesso (1983, stpm)Green Dancer (1972, pm)Pine Chip
Alhaitham (2003, pm)Green Desert (1983, pm)Pioneer
AljaazyaGreen Forest (1979, sm)Polar Falcon (1987, stpm)
Alleged (1974, pm)Green Mean Machine (1993, sm)Polish Patriot (1988, pm)
Alleging (1981, pm)Green Tune (1991, sm)Polish Precedent (1986, pm)
Alqwani (1988, pk)Groom Dancer (1984, pm)Portorosa (1997, pk)
AlshamatryGulch (1984, stpm)Posen (1985)
Alwuhush (1985, pm)Gunturion (2006, sm)Prime Preacher (2008)
Alydar (1975, sm)Habitat (1966, pm)Prince of Birds (1985, sm)
Alzao (1980, stpm)Halling (1991, sm)Princess of Gracie (2007)
Among Men (1994, pm)Happy Arrogance (, pk)Princess Theodora
Anabaa (1992, pm)Hard Warrior (2002, pm)Priolo (1987, pm)
Anagram (1988, sk)Harp Islet (1985)Priory Bay (2004, pm)
Angel Falls (1987, stpm)Hatchet Man (1971, szm)Proud Citizen (1999, pm)
Angel Island (1976, stpk)Hawk Wing (1999, pm)Pulp Idol (2003, stpk)
Angel Kisses (1993, sk)HawkbillPulpit (1994, stpm)
Another Folly (2003, stpk)Hector Protector (1988, sm)Queen Carolina (1989, pk)
AnoushHefaistosQui Royalty (1977, stpk)
Antheus (1982, pm)Helice (1988, pk)Quick Chat
Antonius Pius (2001, pm)Henbit (1977, pm)Ragtime Band (1982)
Apache Song (1996, pk)Henrythenavigator (2005, pm)Rahy (1985, sm)
Apert (2001, pk)High Kicker (1984, pm)Rainbow Quest (1981, pm)
Aquaba (1985, pk)High Living (2000, pk)Ransom O'War (2000, pm)
ArakanHighland Park (1980, sm)Raven´s Pass
Arch (1995, stpm)Horatio Luro (1987, pm)Razyana (1981)
Archipenko (2004, pm)Houdini's Honey (1996, sk)Realms of Gold
Arctic Tern (1973)House of York (2001)Red Jazz
Art Collector (2005, sm)House Rules (1993, stpm)Red Ransom (1987, pm)
Art Preview (2006, stpm)Hug And A KissReel Buddy (1998, sm)
AtlantI Shall Stay (1984)Regal Twin (1972)
Atlantic Sport (2005)Idabel (1986, pm)Representing (2004, pm)
Atlantic Wave (2005, sm)Ilchie (1996)Resurrectionsmiles (2007, stpm)
Aussie Rules (2003, szm)Ile de Bourbon (1975, pm)Ringsider (2001, sher)
Austrocan (2003, stpm)Ilvy (2016, pk)Riobamba
Bachelor Duke (2001)Imp Society (1981, sm)Riverman (1969, pm)
Bahawir Pour (1992)Ingo Elusive (2008, sm)Rivulet (1987)
Bahhare (1994, pm)Intikhab (1994, pm)Robben Island (2013, stpk)
Bahri (1992, pm)Irish Impulse (1988)Robellino (1978, pm)
Bakharoff (1983, pm)Iron Mask (1998)Roberto (1969, pm)
BalladryIrtidaa (2008, pk)Roi Danzig (1986, pm)
Balwara (1989, stpk)Irtihal (2000, pk)Rousillon (1981, pm)
Banque Privee (1983)Ishiguru (1998, pm)Royal Abjar (1991, sm)
Barabau (2013, pm)Island Desert (1988)Royal Academy (1987, pm)
Basic System (2002, stpher)Ivory Wand (1973)Royal Dragon (1998, pm)
Batucada (1969, pk)Jackpot (1992, sm)Rudimentary (1988, pm)
Be My Chief (1987, stpm)Jallad (1998, pm)Rui Faleiro (2011, pher)
Be My Grey (1983, szm)Jalmood (1979, pm)Run Softly (1991, pm)
Be My Guest (1974, sm)Jape (1989, pm)Runaway Stone (1995, szm)
Belle Et Deluree (1985, pk)Jareer (1983, pm)Ruten (2005, szm)
Belmez (1987, pm)Java Gold (1984, pm)Ryan's Gift (1986, pm)
Benny The Dip (1994, stpm)Jeblar (1982, pm)Sabato (2004, stpm)
Berate (2003, stpm)Jenastic (1978)Sabrehill (1990, sm)
Bertolini (1996, pm)Jesters FarewellSadler's Wells (1981, pm)
Beveled (1982, sm)Johannesburg (1999, pm)Saint Buddy (2000, szm)
Big Shuffle (1984, pm)Johansson (1992, pm)Sakhee (1997, pm)
Bin Shaddad (1984, pm)Jolivar (1976)Salse (1985, pm)
Bint Pasha (1984, sk)Jolly Groom (1984, pm)Salt Dome (1983, sm)
Bint Salsabil (1993, sk)Jolly Jet (1963, sm)San Bernardino (1974, pm)
Birthday FeverJudith's Temper (1995, pm)Sand Grouse (1985)
Black Mast (2007, fm)Just a Miner (1996, stpm)Sarsen (2007, pm)
Black Minnaloushe (1998, pm)Kadissya (1979, pk)Satin Flower (1988, pk)
Blane Water (1994)Kalidasa (1996)Satin Stone (1994, stpm)
Blesk (2006)Kefaah (1985)Saugerties (1994, sm)
Blue MoonstoneKey of Luck (1991, stpm)Sayf el Arab (1980, pm)
Bluebird (1984, pm)Key to the Mint (1969)Scented Garden
Bluegrass Native (1987, stpm)Kilifi (1987, pk)Screaming Shamal (2001, szk)
Bobby's KittenKill the Messenger (1996, pk)Seabhac
Bound to Glitter (1999, sk)King Charlemagne (1998, pm)Seahenge
Box Hill (2005, sm)King of Hungary (2004, pm)Seattle Dancer (1984, pm)
Brahms (1997, stpm)King of Sydney (2006, pm)Seattle Slew (1974, stpm)
Brahy (2001, sm)King's Best (1997, pm)Secretariat (1970, sm)
Brass DamaskKingmambo (1990, pm)Secrettame (1978, sk)
Brief Truce (1989, pm)Kingsalsa (1996, pm)Sectori (1979, sm)
Brigantin (2007, sm)Kingsfort (2007, pm)Security Risk (1997, pm)
Bully Pulpit (2000, sm)Komtur (1990, sm)Seeking the Gold (1985, pm)
Burren RoseKomtura (1991)Selkirk (1988, sm)
C. C. Manhattan (1996, pm)Kona Tenor (1978, szm)Sensitive Material (1984, pk)
Caerleon (1980, pm)Kris Kin (2000, sm)Septieme Ciel (1987, pm)
Can Thou Dance (1991)Kris S. (1977, stpm)Seven Sing (1998)
CandinieL'etat C'est Moi (1991)Seven Springs (1982, sk)
Cane Sugar (2006)Lacy Sunday (2006, pk)Shaadi (1986, pm)
Caro's Niece (1985)Lady Cutlass (1978)Shaafi (2004, pm)
Cash Run (1997, stpk)Lady Lavery (1983, pk)Shadeed (1988, pk)
Celestial Storm (1983, pm)Lady Norcliffe (1980)Shahrastani (1983, sm)
Chaminade (2003, pk)Lady ValenteShamal Sally (2007, szk)
Chato (1992, pm)Lahib (1988, pm)Shapely (1992)
Chere Amie (1993)LammtaraShareef Dancer (1980, pm)
Chief's Crown (1982, pm)Lampio di Serbio (2004, pm)Sharp Prod (1990, sm)
Christine Herme (1991)Land Ahead (1997, sk)Sharrood (1983, szm)
Clandestina (1978, pk)Lassie Dear (1974, pk)Shbakni (1991)
Classic Secret (1986, stpm)Law Society (1982, stpm)Sheik Dancer (2001, pm)
Cloonlara (1974)Layman (2002, sm)Shimada (2005)
Cockney Class (2007, szm)Lead on Time (1983, pm)Shine My Boots (1996, pher)
Colonel Collins (1991, sm)Lease Back (1988, sm)Shine On Texas (1990)
Colorado Kid2 (2005, pm)Lemhi Gold (1978, sm)Shiny Waters (1994, pk)
Conquistador Cielo (1979, pm)Lemon Drop Kid (1996, pm)Shirley's Kitten
Consentement (2016, stpk)Lesotho (1983, pm)Shopping for Love (1997, pk)
Contract Law (1987)Lethal LoverShould I Stay
Cooper PlayLev (2007, szm)Shy Down (1971)
Coquelin (1979, sm)Librettist (2002, pm)Sierra Nights (2003)
Coronation Cup (1991, pk)LidayaSilver Hawk (1979, pm)
Count of Tuscany (2006)Likely Split (1977)Silver Kite (1989, pm)
Country Reel (2000, pm)Line Call (1985)Sioux Nation
Countryweave (1993, sk)Lion Cavern (1989, sm)Sister Rosarii (1980)
Covey Up (1991, pk)Livry (1984)Six Crowns (1976, sk)
Cozzene (1980, szm)Llandaff (1990, sm)Skarabeus (2007, pher)
Crimson Lock (1985)Local Suitor (1982, pm)Slender Style (1986)
D D's Jakette (1990, pk)Lode (1986, sm)Smitten (1978)
Dafinah (1984)Lord Benjamin (2005, sm)Smooth Daddy
Damister (1982, pm)Loup Solitaire (1993, pm)Smooth Spirit (1988, sk)
Dancing Brave (1983, pm)Lucky Story (2001, stpm)Soiree Russe (1997, stpk)
Dancing Dissident (1986, pm)Lujain (1996, pm)Solitary Stone
Dancing Fred (1993, pm)Lyphard (1969, pm)Solo Haina (1976)
Danehill (1986, pm)Lyphard's Special (1980, pm)Soviet Lad (1985, pm)
Danseuse du Bois (1998, pk)Mac's Imp (1988, pm)Soviet Star (1984, pm)
Danzig (1977, stpm)Macanal (1992, stpm)Spinning World (1993, sm)
Danzig Connection (1983, pm)Macavity (1996, pm)Spiral Dream (1995, pk)
Day's at SeaMachiavellian (1987, pm)Stalwart (1979, pm)
Dayjur (1987, stpm)Magical Strike (1986, pm)Stalwart Moment (1986)
Debs Affair (1993, sk)Magical Wonder (1983, sm)Star Pattern (2005, sher)
Delightful Rhythm (2001, sk)Makaam (2006, sm)Stardusk (1984, sk)
Delta Diva (2005, szk)Malibu Moose (2007, pm)Starparty (2004)
Denon (1998)Mandon (2005)Starry Night (1983, pm)
Depth (1999, stpm)Manila Selection (1997, pk)Statue of Liberty (2000, stpm)
Desert Chiara (1999, pk)Mansooree (1990, sm)Steel
Design Perfection (2000, pk)March Groom (1994, szm)Steele Tango (2005, sm)
Devil River Peek (1992, pm)Marchand de Sable (1990, stpm)Stellar Brilliant (2002, stpk)
Dictator's Song (1987, pm)Marfa's Alibi (1987)Steve's Friend (1974, stpm)
Digamist (1985, sm)MaritanaStorm Cat (1983, stpm)
Dignification (1996, pm)Martin's Friend (2005)Storm of Gracie (2007)
Dignitas (1989, stpm)Mashhor Dancer (1983, pm)Storm The Stars
Direct Fortune (1991)Master Chief (2003, stpher)Stormy Atlantic (1994, stpm)
Distant Music (1997, pm)MasterstrokeStroke of Love (2007, pk)
Distant View (1991, sm)Matty G (1993, stpm)Strong Hope (2000, pm)
Dixie Tenor (1995, szm)Mawatheeq (2005, pm)Suave Dancer (1988, pm)
Dixieland Band (1980, pm)Mazilier (1984, pm)Sunday Silence (1986, stpm)
Djebel AmourMedaglia D'Oro (1999, stpm)Superstore (1989)
Dockage (1984)Medici (2013, sm)Sure Blade (1983, pm)
Docksider (1995, sm)Metisse (1995, sk)Surveyance
Double Alleged (1994, pm)Midyan (1984, pm)Swan Sea
Double Dagger Lady (2001, pk)Miesque (1984)Swing and Miss (1993)
Double Rubble (2006, pm)Miesque's Son (1992, stpm)Syrian Queen (1985)
Double Society (1987, sk)Mighty Noble (1988, pm)Tadawul (2001)
Dr. Fong (1995, sm)Milesius (1984, pm)Tajaweed
Dr. House (2006)Mill Reef (1968)Tamarsiya (1990, pk)
Dream AheadMingun (2000, stpm)Tank's Prospect (1982, pm)
Dreamwaver (1997, pk)Mini Brush (2000, pk)Tantivy
Dreamy Heart (1984)Mira Adonde (1986, pk)Tasweeb (2004, sm)
Dubai Destination (1999, pm)Miss GhenaTate Gallery (1983, pm)
Dubai Tower (2000, pher)Miss Pidwid (2006, stpk)Tazeez (2004, pher)
Due DiligenceMiss Redwood (1992)Teenoso (1980, stpm)
Dunbeath (1980, pm)Mistaken LoveTendulkar (1999)
Dunk Shot (2005, pm)Miswaki (1978, sm)Tentative (2001)
Dwell (1985, sk)Mitsubishi Style (1984)Tertullian (1995, sm)
Dynaformer (1985, pm)Mizzen Mast (1998, pm)Thatch (1970, pm)
E Dubai (1998, pm)Modern Pleasure (1975, pm)The Bart (1976)
Eagle Eyed (1991, pm)Modigliani (1998, pm)The Bogberry (2005, sm)
Easy to Copy (1981)Moi Aussie (2003, sk)The Moon and Back (2003, sk)
Eighty Eight Keys (1985, stpm)MokarrisThe Noble Player (1980, sm)
El Gran Senor (1981, pm)Monashee Mountain (1997, pm)Theanswermyfriend (1977)
Elaflaak (1997, pk)Monsagem (1986, pm)Thewayyouare (2005, pm)
Elector of Saxony (2011, pm)Montauciel (1989, pm)This Key Fits (1994, pm)
Elnadim (1994, pm)Moon Legend (2001, sk)Thousand Weils
Elusive CityMoon Mistress (1991, pk)Three Coins Up (1988)
Elusive PimpernelMoonlight's BoxThree Valleys (2001, sm)
Elusive Quality (1993, pm)Moral Duty (2005, sm)Thunder Gulch (1992)
Emperor Jones (1990, stpm)MR PS Princess (1993, pm)Timotara (1979, pk)
Empire Maker (2000, stpm)Mr. Greely (1992, sm)Timoteo (1987, stpm)
Enjoy Plan (1990, pm)Mr. OwenTopper Up (1986, sk)
EntertainingMr. Prospector (1970, pm)Topsider (1974, pm)
ErgiyasMs Calera (1992)Totally Devoted
Eso (2006)Mt. Livermore (1981, sm)Touching Wood (1979, pm)
Exit to Nowhere (1988, pm)Muhaymin (2001, sm)Traditionally (1997, sm)
Expediency (1976)Muhtarram (1989, pm)Tragic Role (1986, pm)
Fairy Bridge (1975, pk)Mujadil (1988, pm)Tree Chopper (2001, pk)
Fairy King (1982, pm)Mujahid (1996, pm)Trempolino (1984, sm)
Fantastic Light (1996, pm)Mujtahid (1988, sm)Tresoriere (1994)
Fappiano (1977, pm)Mukaddamah (1988, pm)Trivero (2006, pm)
Farha (1998)Mulhollande (1984)Try My Best (1975, pm)
Farqad (1999, pm)Mull of Kintyre (1997, pm)Try To Catch Me (1986, pk)
Fashion IconMultimara (1990)Tubrir (1990, pm)
Fasion LadyMunaadee (1992)Turbaine (1990)
Fasliyev (1997, pm)Munaasib (1984)Twin Logic (1997)
Fast HillMunda Nai (1999, sk)Two and Sixpence (1989)
Fath (1997, pm)Musical Fappi (1986, pm)U S Navy Flag
Faustus (1983, pm)Musical Prospect (1990, pk)Unafortivalagrima (1994)
Feather (2005, szk)Musical Romeo (1995, pher)Unbridled (1987, pm)
Feiticeira (1996)My Sweet Baby (2006)Unbridled's Song (1993, szm)
Fellwaati (1990, sk)Mystic Goddess (1990, sk)Unfawain (1985, pm)
Ferryman (1991, sm)Mythical Fosroc (2005, pk)Urban Sea (1989, sk)
Final Set (1996, pk)Najaaba (2000)Vallee Secrete (1977, pk)
Fine RecoveryNajran (1999, szm)Vera Musica (1984)
Finity (2000)Namaqualand (1990, stpm)Victory Note (1995, pm)
Fiordiligi (2002)Namatanga (1984)Viewfinder (1997)
Fire Of Life (1982, pm)Nandor (1997)Viking Splendor
Flashing Numbers (2003)Narjis (1985, sk)Vindication (2000, stpm)
Flor Y Nata (2003)Nashwan (1986, sm)Vision (1981, pm)
Flutter Bid (1984)National Zenith (1977, stpm)Vocalised
Fly Miss Fly (1979, sk)Nayef (1998, pm)War Command
Fly to the Moon (1988, sk)Neogel (2001, stpk)Wasnah (1987, pk)
Forest Blaze (1986)Never Wavering (1989, pm)Waterway (1981)
Forlano (1983, sm)Nice Havrais (1977, sm)Waytolucky (2007, szk)
Formidable (1975, pm)Night Shift (1980, pm)Wedding Day Blues (1996, szk)
Forty Belles (1991, sk)NimbooWest by West (1989, pm)
Fourth of June (1991, sm)Niniski (1976, pm)Western Star (1986, pm)
Foxhound (1991, pm)No Can Tell (1983)Whata Goer (1990)
Fred Astaire (1983, pm)No Nay NeverWhatdidyoucallme (2000)
Fresh Bread (2003, pk)No NightmareWhipper (2001, stpm)
Funambule (1987, sm)Northfields (1968, sm)Wild Lover (1980)
Fusaichi Pegasus (1997, pm)Northiam (1981)Wild of Gracie (2008)
Gadabout (1987)Novelty SeekerWin Front (2011)
Galvanise (2001, pm)Noverre (1998, pm)Winds Aloft (1980)
Gandoura (1995, pk)Numerous (1991, pm)Winds of Light (1983, pm)
Gemma Dell'Olmo (2007)Nureyev (1977)Wingspan
General Assembly (1976, sm)Observatory (1997, sm)Wolfhound (1989, sm)
George VancouverOctoberWoodborough (1993, sm)
Giada (1980, pk)Okawango (1998, pm)Woodman (1983, sm)
Giant Love (2005, sm)Olden Image (1983)Wurud (1983)
Giant's Causeway (1997)On the Bench (1980, sk)Xi (2005, sm)
Gipsy Talk (1982)One Cool Cat (2001, pm)Xinran (2003, pk)
Glenstal (1980, pm)Opening Verse (1986, sm)Yanka (1993, pk)
Glow (1983, stpm)Orpen (1996, pm)Yanomami (1995, sk)
Go Step (1975)Ostora (1986, sk)Zafonic (1990, pm)
Gohar (1974, sk)Out West (1994, pk)Zafonium (1997, sm)
Gold and Ivory (1981, stpm)Overseas Wealth (1986, sk)Zalazl (1986, pm)
Gold Crest (1982)Pacific Joy (1983)Zamindar (1994, pm)
Golden Gulch (1996, sm)Palace Piper (1990, pm)Zeyneb (1981, pm)
Golden Snake (1996, pm)Pancho Villa (1982, sm)Zieten (1990, pm)
Goldmark2 (1992, pm)PanisZilzal (1986, sm)